Assessment Partner

SkillsGAP Analysis, our Assessment Partner, is the leading solution in assessments for Procurement, Contract Management and Commercial Management

On offer is a range of assessments available for your purchase

Procurement – Skills Self Assessment: Assess yourself on a range of procurement attributes, business attributes and business attributes that drive experience in category management.

Procurement – Knowledge Evaluation: This evaluates knowledge across 8 category management capabilities, participants are asked 9 multiple-choice questions in a timed assessment.

Procurement – Procurement: Assess yourself on a range of personal, interpersonal and leadership attributes that drive excellence in category management.

Leadership Self-Assessment: Leadership Assessment for those who are in Commercial leadership roles.

Contract Management – Self Assessment: An online questionnaire designed to explore the capability required to perform commercial contract management.

Contract Management – Knowledge Evaluation: This evaluates knowledge across 8 category management capabilities, participants are asked 9 multiple-choice questions in a timed assessment.

Negotiator Profile: This is a self-evaluation of your negotiation skills. You will be guided through critical negotiation styles as you assess yourself on 72 pivotal negotiation skills.

